Beginner Tutorial Videos
We like to have fun because life shouldn’t be boring and glum. We shine humor on everyday things that happen in the gym and outside in the real world.

How to Wrap Your Hands
This is one of the most important preventive measures in Boxing. Wrapping protects your hands and ensure that you do break any bones in your hands or tear any muscles. We know we expect you to be tough at Work Train Fight NYC, but we also want you to be safe.

Beginner Jab
The jab is one of the most important and frequently used punches to set up the rest of your combinations. Let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC show you to proper way to master the beginner jab.

The uppercut is a power punch thrown from the waist upwards aimed at the gut. It’s an excellent tool to have in your boxing arsenal. In this beginner tutorial, let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC teach you how to properly throw and uppercut without getting your bell rocked.

Learn How to Slip Punches
Mastering the beginner slip is the first step to learn to master defensive maneuvers. Let the slip and weave master, Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC, teach you the right way to utilize this simple yet effective boxing maneuver.

Beginner Combinations
If you’re looking to improve your boxing combinations to widen your arsenal, then you can start here. Many of the following combinations are simple but are also the most effective because they flow and are set up well.

Shadowboxing for Beginners
Shadowboxing empowers you to try out many of the skills of boxing before using those skills on a heavy bag or indeed a live opponent. In fact, you could argue that shadow boxing is as much a workout for the brain as a workout the body. Here we’ll teach you the beginner technique to use when shadowboxing and what form flaws to look out for.

Learning the Boxing Stance
To become a fighter you have to make sure that you use proper form when training. Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC is going to teach you how to properly set up your beginner boxing stance. To keep you on your toes, he’ll also so you how to keep a cadence for your movement. You’ll be ready for the ring in no time.

Straight Cross
The cross is a basic boxing maneuver which integral to master to excel into a good boxer. Let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC show you to proper way to master the beginner cross. Then you’ll be ready to start working this punch on the bag or in the ring.

The hook is one of the hardest punches that you can throw, which is why it’s essential that you have a great hook. In this beginner tutorial, Alberto Ortiz of Work Train NYC will show you the proper form to master this punch. He’ll have you hard hitting your opponents in no time.

Learn How to Weave
Anyone can learn how to weave very easily. It’s one of most basic defensive maneuvers in boxing, but extremely effective nonetheless. Let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC teach you everything you need to know to master this basic maneuver.

Hitting the Heavy Bag for Beginners
The heavy bag is a tried and true piece of equipment that has helped all boxers. In addition the kind of workout you can get from it is amazing. Get some techniques and programs right here with the how to hit the bag tutorial.

Beginner Boxing Workouts
Boxing training involves the coordination of many muscle groups working at a will-breaking pace over long periods, with very limited rest sprinkled throughout. Learn workouts that will ultimately help you train to be the best boxer as possible.
Intermediate Tutorial Videos
We like to have fun because life shouldn’t be boring and glum. We shine humor on everyday things that happen in the gym and outside in the real world.

Body Punches
All fighters know the properly planned punch to the body is one of the most crippling experience a fighter will feel. In this video we will show you the correct form for properly planted body shots.

Learn to Pivot
The pivot is often one of the most overlooked skills in boxing. Whether you’re trying to close the line of attack from a larger opponent, control the fight with a fast retreating fighter, or you’re pushed against the ropes and you need to retreat from a powerful opponent; this skill is an essential for proper boxing form. Let us teach you the proper technique for this integral skill.

Body Blocks
When your opponent unleashes a punch, sometimes it’s difficult to get away so you have to resort to blocking it. When you block a punch, you can get a feel of how hard your opponent punches and whether he drops his guard when throwing. In this video, learn how to properly block & protect that gut of yours.

How to Parry Punches
Parrying is a superior defensive move to blocking because it offers more protection while creating better counter opportunities using your opponent’s energy. The more your opponent overcommits into his punches, the more effective your parry will be. As you face stronger opponents, blocking becomes a less likely option.

How to Punch While Moving
Punching while moving is an important skill to learn to ensure you don’t get knocked out by a more powerful or skilled opponent. We’ve already discussed why Pivoting & Weaving is important, but making sure that you can still attack while on the run is just as important. In this episode, we’ll teach you how to properly move without missing valuable attack opportunities.

Boxing Partner Drills
Partner drills help boxers develop speed, accuracy and endurance. Your partner wears the pads or gloves on his hands to create a moving target that you attack with various combinations of strikes. They can be used to develop both hand and foot work so your training more closely resembles a real fight.

Intermediate Boxing Combinations
If you’re looking to improve your boxing combinations to widen your arsenal, then you can start here. Many of the following combinations are simple but are also the most effective because they flow and are set up well.

How to Shuffle
Shuffling is a faster movement than stepping. Rather than chasing after an opponent, or running away to retreat, shuffle your feet. With shuffling, the rear foot moves first in this movement, then the lead foot. In this tutorial, we will show you the proper way to shuffle when in the ring.

Head Blocks
When your opponent unleashes a punch, sometimes it’s difficult to get away so you have to resort to blocking it. When you block a punch, you can get a feel of how hard your opponent punches and whether he drops his guard when throwing. In this video, learn how to properly block & protect that beautiful mug of yours.

Weave and Step
Anyone can learn how to weave and step very easily. It’s one of most basic defensive maneuvers in boxing, but extremely effective nonetheless. Especially if you are shorter fighter, then you must learn how to perform this technique effectively because it’ll allow you to get on the inside of a taller and rangier opponent while avoiding punches.

How to Fake Punches
How do you make an opponent expose himself? How do you out-box a faster or better skilled fighter? How do you keep an opponent in constant worry about your next move? The answer are FAKES! No not your friend who always cancels plans, but a deceptive punch that is aimed to throw off your opponent. Learn the proper technique and skill to make your opponent fall for your fakes every time.

Intermediate Shadowboxing
Shadowboxing empowers you to try out many of the skills of boxing before using those skills on a heavy bag or indeed a live opponent. In fact, you could argue that shadow boxing is as much a workout for the brain as a workout the body. Here we’ll teach you about the proper technique when shadowboxing and what form flaws to look out for.

Hitting the Heavy Bag – Intermediate
The heavy bag is a tried and true piece of equipment that has helped all boxers. In addition the kind of workout you can get from it is amazing. Get some techniques and programs right here with the how to hit the bag tutorial.

Intermediate Boxing Workouts
Boxing training involves the coordination of many muscle groups working at a will-breaking pace over long periods, with very limited rest sprinkled throughout. Learn workouts that will ultimately help you train to be the best boxer as possible.
Advanced Tutorial Videos
We like to have fun because life shouldn’t be boring and glum. We shine humor on everyday things that happen in the gym and outside in the real world.

Stiff Jab
The jab isn’t the knockout punch. But it’s used to set-up those vicious crosses, hooks, and uppercuts we’ve taught you thus far. Throwing a stiff jab in the line of sight of the opponent gives you the opportunity to deliver a solid strike behind it. Learn the proper form for the stiff jab from Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC.

Double Crosses
With this training video, we will show you a boxing double cross. Learn how to truly outwit your opponent with a move that requires exceptional speed and coordination. This is a great move to use in your shadowboxing and bag work as well. Make sure to check out other boxing tutorials from Work Train Fight.

Punching While Slipping and Weaving
Punching in defense is a key technique to conquer any opponent. While we’ve taught you that blocking is important while taking a barrage of punches, you must also learn how take advantage of attack opportunities while in defense mode. El Jefe, Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC, will show you the right way to get off those ropes and attack your opponent when they think they have the upper hand.

Shuffle Uppercuts
Shuffle uppercuts is another advanced punch and foot work system that will assist you when attacking on the run. Don’t think is some new dance move, it’s an extremely technical attack that if not performed properly will leave you shuffling into a loss. El Jefe, Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC, will teach you the right way to perform this attack. He can also teach you salsa, so when you master this technique you can dance to the bell.

Advanced Boxing Combinations
Learn how master advanced combos with Work Train Fight and Alberto Ortiz. We are showing you a series of advanced boxing moves to help take your boxing to the next level. These are great combinations to use in your shadowboxing and bag work as well. Make sure to check out other boxing tutorials from Work Train Fight.

Hitting The Double End Bag
The double end bag is the perfect tool to develop your punching skills and overall boxing ability! Many experienced fighters love double end bag to develop their higher-level boxing skills. Let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC teach you the proper technique to advance your boxing skills.

Advanced Shadowboxing
Shadowboxing empowers you to try out many of the skills of boxing before using those skills on a heavy bag or indeed a live opponent. In fact, you could argue that shadow boxing is as much a workout for the brain as a workout the body. Now it’s time to step up your shadowboxing game to visualize those advanced combos. Work Train Fight’s Alberto Ortiz will show you all you need to know to keep that shadowboxing game strong.

Leaping Hooks
The leaping lead hook, which is literally just a lead hook thrown while jumping in at the time same, is a difficult punch to master. Failing to master the leaping hook can result in you leaping into a counterpunch instead. Let Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC show you to proper technique to keep you off the mat.

Body Hooks and Uppercuts
All fighters know the properly planned punch to the body is one of the most crippling experience a fighter will feel. In this video we will show you the correct form for properly planted body shots. Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC will show you the proper way to attack your opponents core and really add some power to your arsenal.

Switching Stances
Learn how master this advanced boxing move with Work Train Fight and Alberto Ortiz. We are showing you a boxing switch stance moving forward and back. This is a great move to use in your shadowboxing and bag work as well. Make sure to check out other boxing tutorials from Work Train Fight in New York City.

Inside Step Turns
Inside step turns are a great way to navigate your opponent around the ring. Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC will show you the proper way to move around the ring with this advanced technique. Make sure to check out this video and our entire selection of training videos.

Learn How to Use the Weave Rope
The Weave Rope is a great tool to learn how to properly slip and weave. Use a boxing wrap, string, rope, or any stretchable fabric that will show you the proper height you need to squat to avoid a punch. Let the slip and weave master, Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC, teach you the right way to utilize this simple yet effective boxing tool.

How To Hit The Speed Bag
Learning how to hit the speed bag is an integral skill for learning how to increase your rhythm, speed, and endurance. While not the easiest skill to learn, consistency and determination will make this a go to training skill for your arsenal. Let Work Train Fight’s Alberto Ortiz teach you everything you need to know!

Advanced Heavy Bag Work
We’ve already told you the heavy bag is a tried and true piece of equipment that has helps all boxers. Now it’s time to put your advanced boxing skills to the test with advanced heavy bag techniques. Experienced boxer Alberto Ortiz of Work Train Fight NYC will show you the skills to turn up with your boxing skills.

Advanced Boxing Workouts
Boxing training involves the coordination of many muscle groups working at a will-breaking pace over long periods, with very limited rest sprinkled throughout. Learn boxing training circuits that will ultimately help you train to be the best boxer as possible.